THE Archdeacon of Sudbury, the Ven. Dr David Jenkins (below,
centre), will be clocking up the miles next year. He intends
to enter ten ten-kilometre races in his home diocese of St
Edmundsbury & Ipswich, as well as in Norwich and
Essex, to raise awareness and funds for families with an autistic
Dr Jenkins's 11-year-old son has the condition: "My lovely son
Ben is autistic, and a real gift from God, although an occasionally
challenging one." He says that he and his family have been very
grateful for support from Autism Suffolk, and he is committed to
repaying some of their kindness.
Autism and Asperger syndrome are part of a range of related
developmental disorders known as autistic-spectrum disorders. They
begin in childhood and last throughout adult life. "I am very keen
to raise the profile for those who have autistic children, and the
joys and sorrows this brings," Dr Jenkins says. "If I can
additionally raise thousands of pounds to help other families by
taking part in racing through 2014 - and running is a real love of
mine - then I will get a lot of pleasure from this, too."
He is being supported by the diocese. The diocesan secretary,
Nicholas Edgell, says that it has chosen Autism Suffolk as the
cause for which staff will raise funds in the diocesan offices
during 2014, and several of them will run with Dr Jenkins.