ONE woman has defied the freezing temperatures to spend the week
Hannah Phillips, a mother of three, who is married to an
ordinand at Ripon College, Cuddesdon, stripped off her shoes and
socks at the beginning of Holy Week to raise money for the charity
Us, formerly known as USPG.
Despite the snow and ice, she has gone about her normal routine
- joining in the Palm Sunday procession, walking her children to
school, and going to Oxford to do her shopping.
Mrs Phillips, said that she started preparing her feet for the
ordeal at the beginning of Lent, by taking off her shoes each
Friday. "People have just been doing that very English thing of
looking at me, though children are more direct.
"It's been absolutely freezing, but it's given me a whole new
outlook on life: that the things we think of essentials, some
people have to go without."
To sponsor Mrs Phillips, see her page, Barefoot for Holy Week,