From Mr John J. C. Freeman
Sir, - The Revd David Rowley of Derby diocese asked (Letters,
22 February) about how we arrived at 80 per cent of the
statutory clergy fee for retired clergy officiating at funerals and
weddings, etc. The reason was that payments to retired clergy
varied across the dioceses from Derby's two-thirds to others, such
as the diocese of Chester, that paid the full fee.
The new rules settled on the sensible compromise of 80 per cent,
not fully supported in the diocese of Chester, but sharing the
logic that the retired clergy have, by and large, accepted the new
figure that whatever they were receiving is an increase on what was
paid in 2012.
Administering the payment of fees can be made very simple for
incumbents, PCC treasurers, and the retired clergy themselves if
the practice that has been generally adopted and advised in the
diocese of Chester is adopted. It is that funeral directors are
instructed to present one cheque to the church official at the
funeral for all fees payable to incumbents, retired clergy, PCC,
vergers, and organists, etc.
For weddings, it is good practice to ensure that a cheque
similarily made out to the PCC is paid before the day of the
wedding. It is the PCC's responsibility to reimburse those
involved, preferably monthly. Ideally, an exception should be made
for the retired clergy. It is good and courteous practice to leave
them a cheque from the PCCin the church safe, for their collection
at the end of the service.
Whatever else is done, payments of cash in brown envelopes
should be avoided.
Synod member for Chester diocese
Stable Court, 20a Leigh Way
Weaverham, Northwich CW8 3PR