A COALITION of faith groups issued a statement on Tuesday, St
George's Day, calling for England's patron saint to be reclaimed
from racists and extremists.
The signatories of the St George's Day Statement included the
Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Christian Muslim Forum, and the
Hope Not Hate campaign.
The statement says: "As patron saint for England, St George is
there for everyone living in England. Too often he has been . . .
used as a symbol of triumphalism and division by those on the
extreme Right.
"Although the English national flag, bearing the Cross of St
George, was carried by the Crusaders, St George actually lived
before the birth of Islam and should not be associated with any
hatred of Muslims. He is respected by many people in the Middle
East because of his origins there."
The Archbishop of York, Dr Sentamu, speaking in Stockton Parish
Church, said: "The feast of St George should be a day of real
celebration, and I would like to encourage everybody to rejoice in
this great land that we live in."