THE clergy's is one of
the few professions to show a higher level of care at work than in
their personal lives, the findings of a psychometric test completed
online by more than 80,000 people worldwide suggests. The drive to
be obedient, however, is even stronger than the drive to care.
The MoralDNA test asks
people to what extent they agree with a series of statements
describing how they make decisions. For example: "I won't take the
easy option if it's the wrong thing to do." Some of these questions
relate to the workplace. The answers are used to create a "MoralDNA
profile" that reflects the user's "decision-making preferences":
the ethics of obedience, care, and reason.
The ethic of care is
defined as meaning "that what's right is based on our humanity,
empathy, and love for other people". The ethic of obedience relates
to "obeying or complying with reasonable rules, laws, policies, and
procedures". The ethic of reason relates to "what we judge is
The "corporate
philosopher" who designed the test, Roger Steare, said: "In almost
all cases, people report a reduced ethic of care at work, either
because they are told to behave in a certain way or because they
have to put the interests of their employer over the needs of the
The only professions that
report a "slight increase" in the ethic of care at work were those
whose work came under the heading of Homemaker, Religion, or
Healthcare, who dealt directly with caring for people. Professions
at the bottom of the table for the ethic of care include chemicals,
politics, oil and gas, and the armed services.
People who complete the
test are assigned to one of six MoralDNA "character types":
philosopher, judge, angel, teacher, enforcer, or guardian. The most
common type for those working in religion, Mr Steare said on
Monday, was "enforcer", defined as "the people we rely on to make
sure that everyone obeys the rules". He said: "Generally speaking,
there is a leader to whom you are answerable. Dissent is frowned
upon. Even though they care more than average, they are more
obedient than many. Obedience will overcome that sense of
This was "concerning", he
said, and a "strong argument for having more women as religious
leaders: generally speaking, they will put care above reason and
'I'm an angel, and that's
official - at least, according to the MoralDNA survey. A series of
agree/disagree statements generate a result that describes your
moral "coding"; and "Angels", unsurprisingly, put care for others
Given that the questions ask
how you make decisions, and what guides your thinking at work, as
well as in private, I'm not surprised that, as a Vicar, I should
come out as believing that care for the other is primary. So far,
so good.
But can morality be
condensed into simple questions and answers? What about context?
The "what ifs?" of life, meaning decisions that we would make in
the abstract, can become blurred and confused once real people, and
the fuzzy edges of life, appear.
I do, however, find myself
trying to categorise my colleagues, and I might suggest that they
all try this. Anything that helps us to understand how we view the
world, and take our places within it, is worth a look.'
Liz Jump
Team Vicar of Blackbourne, in the diocese of St
Edmundsbury & Ipswich