THE National Assembly of Forward in Faith UK (FiF UK), meeting
in St Alban's, Holborn, London, last Saturday, was urged to be
hopeful about the future for traditionalists in the Church of
But it was also warned that they needed to keep asking the
question that John Henry Newman had asked about the basis of the
authority of the Church of England's priests.
The basis for hope, the Bishop of Fulham, the Rt Revd Jonathan
Baker, the movement's chairman, told delegates, was "those words,
those commitments, those promises" made in the working party's
report on the women-bishops legislation in July.
Bishop Baker said that, in the past year, "in one key sense,
everything has changed, and changed in a way which - extraordinary
as it is to say so - can and must give us hope, hope that creates
real opportunity for us under God, if only, under God, we can rise
to the challenge."
Although it was easy to say "words, promises, empty promises
perhaps", and FiF's Council would be "watching like hawks" to see
them honoured, the unanimous report of the working party,
representing the spectrum of views across the C of E, had agreed
that "Catholics and Evangelicals who are unable, on the grounds of
theological conviction, to receive the ministry of women bishops or
priests remain within the spectrum of Anglican teaching and
tradition; that the Church of England will be committed to their
flourishing within its life and structures - a very important
phrase, that . . . - and that provision for them - for us - will be
made without limit of time."
The Revd Paul Benfield, a member of the steering committee for
the legislation, said that he could not say what had been decided,
as the committee had agreed to maintain confidentiality, and had
not put out an interim report. It would be "going public" the
coming Friday. But he was prepared to say that there would be a
long and complicated series of documents "on which none of you will
be able to take a view quickly".
Several members spoke of the pain among traditionalists since
last November at being blamed for the defeat of the draft
legislation, which had, said Canon Simon Killwick, of the General
Synod's Catholic Group, been "wholly predictable". At no stage in
the legislative process had there been a sufficient majority in
favour, and the Group and FiF had been "clear, open, and honest
about our position".
Dr Lindsay Newcombe spoke of suffering, with other opponents of
the draft Measure, the "widespread backlash" of anger and
disappointment. "Please know that you are not alone," she said.
Delegates were urged to see this as part of Christ's cross:
Christians had often inflicted pain on one another.
Speakers testified to a clearing of the air by the facilitated
or mediated conversations in the Synod and outside it, and to
encouraging signs. Canon Killwick said that the Bishop of Dover's
amendment at the July Synod meeting, seeking a mandatory grievance
process, was "hugely significant", as it had the potential for
"robust arrangements". Borrowing Prebendary Sam Philpott's phrase,
he said that to "get off the battlefield and on to the mission
field" would be a "huge prize".
He was wary, however, of those who were counting on the General
Synod elections in 2015 to change voting patterns in the House of
Laity, "so that a Measure that makes very little provision would
pass". But the 2010 elections had been keenly fought, and there was
no evidence that the 2015 elections would garner a different
A motion proposed by Prebendary Philpott was carried
unanimously. It reaffirmed "our aspiration to flourish within the
structures of the Church of England and make our full contribution
to its life and mission"; requested the General Synod and the House
of Bishops "to ensure that we have continued access to a ministry
which will make this possible"; and thanked those members of FiF
who had "participated in the facilitated conversations and in the
Steering Committee for the Women in the Episcopate legislation with
a view to achieving this".
The new Director, Dr Colin Podmore, spoke about the measures
taken during the year to get FiF's finances on to a firmer footing:
it had been relying too much on legacy income, he warned them. The
most painful of the measures taken had been the cessation of the
newspaper Forward Plus. But now, with other Catholic
societies, a new quarterly paper is to be produced, under the title
Together, edited by the Revd Christopher Smith, Vicar of
St Alban's, Holborn.
Death, illness, and the Ordinariate had played their part in the
loss of 96 members over the past six months; but 79 new members had
been recruited. A motion proposing the restructuring of the Council
and executive committee was proposed by Prebendary David Houlding
and carried after a short debate. This was followed by a
presentation led by Dr Newcombe, on women in the Church, which
including stories and testimonies from women of various ages and
The sermon at the Assembly mass was given by the Bishop of
Gibraltar in Europe, Dr Geoffrey Rowell, who retires on 8 November.
He warned against the danger of an insular C of E. "Time and again
when I have come back to the Church of England from my ministry in
Europe, I have been all too conscious of a constraining
parochialism; and it has been a real sadness that the debates of
the General Synod all too often do not show any real awareness of
the big picture, of the vitality and the reality of the life of the
great Churches of both East and West, with whom as Catholic
Anglicans we claim - and rightly claim - to share so much in
The question that Newman had asked, "On what ground do you
stand, O presbyter of the Church of England?", was one that rightly
they had to continue asking. "Do we stand, as the Church of England
has claimed to do, on the historic, apostolic ministry, or do we
stand with the spirit of the age and the cultural currents of the
day? The gospel is indeed to be proclaimed afresh in each
generation, and that means addressing the questions of each
generation, not adapting to current cultural norms: they have to be
tested and tried by the gospel and by the faith of the Church