WITH four Archbishops, a former Presbyterian Moderator, a
Methodist President, and a former Chief Rabbi, it was indeed a
gathering of top people. We have no picture of them, because it was
hosted in Dublin by a Committee of the Jewish
Representative Council of Ireland, and took place after sundown on
the on the eve of the sabbath, "when no machinery or devices may be
worked"; so no camera could be used.
It took place at the end of the week-long Jewish Gathering,
chaired by Maurice Cohen, and culminated in the normal shabbat
service on the Friday evening, when the overseas Jewish guests were
joined by the representatives of the Christian Churches.
The Archbishops included the Roman Catholic and Anglican
Archbishops of Armagh - Cardinal Sean Brady, and the Most Revd
Richard Clarke; the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown; and the
Anglican Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Michael Jackson.
After the service, everyone proceeded to the Samuel Tacca Hall
for the weekly shabbat meal, where the service of kiddush was said
before the shared food was enjoyed. Dr David Rosen spoke about the
ever closer relationship between Christians and Jews which had
developed over the past 30 years, since he had been Chief Rabbi in
Ireland, and made specific reference to the international dialogues
with Anglican and Roman Catholics, and their importance in
contemporary Jewish self-understanding.