THE Church of Ireland Cathedral of St Anne, Belfast, in
Down & Dromore and Connor
dioceses, has launched an ambitious ecumenical scheme that has been
warmly welcomed across denominational boundaries.
To build up the cathedral's boys' choir and girls' choir, but
also to raise the standard of music in local schools, professional
singing tutors from St Anne's will visit pupils in each of three
primary schools daily, "teaching in every class, training boys and
girls to sing to such a standard that some will eventually have the
opportunity to join the cathedral choirs".
They call the scheme an ecumenical "Choir School". St Anne's
launched a successful girls' choir last autumn, and hopes, by means
of the Choir School, to have a boys' choir in place by
The Dean, the Very Revd John Mann, believes that "St Anne's
should not only have an open door to the people of Belfast, but an
intent to take what we have been given in abundance to share with
everyone - especially with children."
The response from the three primary schools - Edenbrooke, Sacred
Heart Boys', and Cliftonville Integrated School - to this offer of
expert singing tuition has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic. The
Principal of Sacred Heart Boys' speaks for all of them when she
thanks the Dean for "this marvellous opportunity", and hopes that
"the boys will flourish from this experience".