A New Kind of
Christian: A tale of two friends on a spiritual
Brian D. McLaren
SPCK £12.99
Church Times Bookshop £11.70 (Use
code CT449 )
The Story We
Find Ourselves In: Further adventures of a new kind of
Brian D. McLaren
SPCK £12.99
Church Times Bookshop £11.70 (Use
code CT449 )
The Last Word
and the Word After That
Brian D. McLaren
SPCK £12.99
Church Times Bookshop £11.70 (Use
code CT449 )
TO SUMMARISE these three
titles in a sentence: "Post-Protestant uses story to explore
contextualising Christian life and witness in present-day
Brian McLaren is a prominent
figure in the "emerging-church" scene in the United States, and
also popular in what could loosely be termed "Greenbelt circles" in
the UK. While these books have been available from the US since
(respectively) 2001, 2003, and 2005, the new editions include
prefaces commenting on reader response over the years, and a
discussion guide (not written by McLaren himself). The third book
also contains an author commentary.
The same main characters
appear each time: WASP Pastor Dan, on a journey to being a
"recovering fundamentalist", and his friend and mentor Neil Oliver
(originally from Jamaica and nicknamed Neo, which feels rather too
symbolic. Thankfully, he's plain Neil by Book 3). Neil/Neo is not
only Dan's daughter's high-school science teacher, but a divorced
ex-pastor and radical theological thinker.
We also follow something of
the lives of Dan's family members and meet Neo's wide and eclectic
circle of acquaintances. Another element of the plot, finally
resolved in the third volume, is whether Dan's church will dismiss
him because of his changing views.
In the first book, Dan is
going through a combination of faith and midlife crisis plus
ministerial burnout, from which he is rescued by his conversations
with Neo. These often take place on a stroll through a lovely bit
of American countryside, and range around faith, doubt, reason,
mission, leadership, and spiritual practice. By contrast, much of
Book 2 is set in the Galapagos Islands, with issues of creation and
evolution developing into a kind of post-modern systematic theology
(one of his most important books, McLaren says in the preface). The
plot hinges on the return to faith of Kerry, a sceptical scientist
who is also dying of cancer. In a moving scene, she is baptised in
the river after a picnic-style eucharist celebrated with her new
Christian friends.
The third book deals with
questions relating to hell, judgement, and the Second Coming.
McLaren dedicates it to - among others - "those repulsed by ugly,
unworthy images of a cruel, capricious, merciless, tyrannical
deity". He comments in the preface that this is, in fact, the book
he would most change, were he to write it today, as apparently even
some hard-line conservatives are now moderating their "end-times"
thinking and views on eternal conscious torment.
My lasting impression from
these books was the stultifying atmosphere of some American church
circles, where membership seems to mean accepting certain dress and
behaviour codes as if they were part of the historic creeds. In the
eyes of Pastor Dan, Episcopalians are dangerously edgy because they
drink alcohol and occasionally indulge in cigars - let alone what
they may believe about creationism, the status of scripture, and
homosexuality. Dan's dialogues with Neil and his friends not only
expand his theological horizons, but connect him socially with
those who have hitherto been very much "other" for him.
Using story to explore
theological and philosophical issues runs the risk of getting
bogged down in narrative detail (as happens occasionally here), but
it expands the potential readership for a book. It also manifests a
key McLaren concept: theology needs to be less about accepting a
neat set of propositions, and more about discussing faith in the
real world with real people, who tend to be full of awkward
attitudes and messy experiences. Right thinking - true orthodoxy -
should be characterised by flexibility rather than rigidity,
especially when considering what is core and what is actually
peripheral to faith.
The aim is not to undermine
- far from it - but to help those who are about to give up on
Christianity altogether, or who have never been remotely tempted to
Naomi Starkey is a
commissioning editor for BRF, and edits and writes for New
Daylight Bible-reading notes.