POLITICIANS in Jersey have called for the Bishop of Winchester,
the Rt Revd Timothy Dakin, to publish a review of the handling of a
safeguarding complaint on the island.
Bishop Dakin commissioned Dame Heather Steel, a High Court
judge, to conduct the review in May (News, 17 May) after the
publication of a review by Jan Korris, which was critical of the
handling by the Dean of Jersey, the Very Revd Robert Key (News, 15
March) of the complaint, from a vulnerable adult.
Bishop Dakin confirmed on 22 November, that he would not be
taking disciplinary action against any member of the clergy, but
said that, after receiving legal representations from an interested
party, and acting on legal advice, he would not be releasing Dame
Heather's report.
Last month, Dean Key said that he wanted the report to be
published: "The Church of England is committed to transparency, and
I look forward to receiving a copy of the Steel report."
The minister for external relations in Jersey, Sir Philip
Bailhache, said last month that he was "appalled by the Bishop of
Winchester's expressed intention to suppress its publication on
what appear to be very specious grounds. . . The Dean and the
clergy are entitled to the publication of the complete Steel report
so that their reputations can be fully restored in the eyes of the
Bishop Dakin said last month that the bishops would take a
"fresh perspective" on safeguarding, and would meet local church
leaders and Island authorities, "in order to help understand how
the current situation may be progressed".