THE five lay clerks of
Llandaff Cathedral Choir were made redundant on Friday, in addition
to a part-time choral scholar and the assistant organist. The
announcement came after several weeks of negotiation and
speculation (News, 8 November, 20
A statement from the Chapter said that the redundancies were
"part of the Cathedral's strategy to address a significant
financial deficit and protect the long-term future of its choral
tradition". The move is set to save £45,000, more than half the
Cathedral's projected deficit of £81,000.
The adults choristers will "in future be contracted on a
flexible, occasional basis, to sing with the boy choristers in the
cathedral choir for Sunday services and special events."
The Chapter first announced plans to "slim down" the choir at
the beginning of November. A consultation with those affected
was held, but a spokesperson for the Chapter said on Friday that it
had "come to the conclusion that the new funding arrangement for
the choir is the best and most responsible way to secure both its
long-term future, and the future of the cathedral community as a
The spokesperson said: "The Cathedral values its choral
tradition very highly. The music department was the last area
of expenditure that Chapter had to examine in detail, and the last
area where we could see that necessary cost savings could be
"At present the music department constitutes one sixth of the
Cathedral's total budget - more than the combined budget
available for all energy costs and fabric repairs and maintenance.
This is despite the fact that the Cathedral choir sings at fewer
than 35 per cent of all services and only during school
"We fear that the alternative of relying on constant fundraising
for one area of our responsibilities would overshadow or diminish
support for other pressing needs, such as the fabric of the
building, and even then could not guarantee a sustainable long-term
solution. Instead, delivering long-term sustainability must come
from changing the structure of the Cathedral choir, strengthening
relationships with other organisations involved with music, and
developing the complementary roles of the girls' and parish
In response to the announcment on Friday, David Abrahams, head
of legal affairs at the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM),
said: "This is a terrible decision by the Cathedral Chapter with
huge repercussions for the individuals involved and for Llandaff
Cathedral. We believe that donations from supporters of the
Save Llandaff Choir Campaign and the Choir's own fundraising plans
could have raised the necessary funds to keep these musicians
The chief executive of the ISM, Deborah Annetts, said:
"Making people redundant the week before Christmas and at the
choir's busiest time of year is a shocking decision that will do
lasting damage both to the musical life and the reputation of
Llandaff Cathedral."
The statement from the ISM said that the musicians who had been
made redundant were considering an appeal against the decision.
Professor Peter Toyne, who chairs Friends of Cathedral Music
(FCM), appeared to me more sympathetic to the cathedral's plight.
He said: "The heritage represented by cathedral music is priceless
but it comes at a very high price and that is why, if it is to be
safeguarded and sustained for generations to come, imaginative
leadership and clear long-term sustainable plans for its
development are needed at acutely difficult times like this."
Representatives of FCM and the Ouseley Trust, a choral liturgy
charity, had discussed altnernatives to the redundancies with the
Chapter. The statement from the two charities on Friday said that
they "recognise and welcome the cathedral authorities' firm
commitment, despite the cuts they have had to make, to identify a
robust strategic plan for the long-term sustainable development of
their choirs."
On Friday, John Pockett, a member of the congregation of the
cathedral, described his "great disappointment" at the decision of
the Chapter, which "appears to be a knee-jerk reaction. . .
It would have been far better to have looked at ways to raise money
to keep the choir, which is one of the two great attractions of
Llanduff. The building and the choir make up the worship,
which is at the heart of all of it."