SO RAPID and so extensive has been the advance of the
cinematograph that the time has come when it is necessary for the
authorities in the Church and in the Educational sphere to give
careful attention to the new state of things that has quickly come
into existence. Both at home and abroad it appears to be the
experience that the cinematograph has developed into a great power
of mischief. In its worst form, it depraves young minds by the
exhibition of indecent or suggestive scenes, and in its less
harmful form it tends to the creation of a restless yearning for
excitement. Physically it is injurious to the sight, the rapid
passing of the films causing eyestrain and other ophthalmic
troubles. In many places abroad the cinematograph show has been
placed under municipal regulation. Among ourselves there is now
talk of using the cinematograph as a means of educating children
through the eye, and even of introducing it into churches for the
purpose of representing vividly sacred scenes. In these proposals
lurks danger. It is not to be denied that, discreetly used, the
cinematograph might help a child to understand things which had
escaped his unaided observation. With its help a teacher could
usefully illustrate an object lesson, or, as in a dramatic
representation, could show his class an historical scene in
quasi-living movement. But to substitute visual teaching for oral
instruction and personal effort of study would be pernicious, and
the temptation to do this would be very strong if the vogue of the
cinematograph were extended.