From the Revd Martin Abrams
Sir, - I would like to offer a point of clarification on your
otherwise helpful and informative article "Survey finds widespread
cuts in NHS hospital chaplaincy" (
News, 5 July).
Southport and Ormskirk is one of the Trusts that has maintained,
and possibly increased, its investment in chaplaincy and spiritual
care. The statement that the Trust has reduced its chaplains from
six to one is not an accurate reflection of the current
It was the Church of England that some years ago asked the Trust
to review its chaplaincy provision. On the recommendation of the
review, lead by a representative of the College of Health Care
Chaplains, it is true to say a number of part-time chaplains were
replaced by a full- time hospital chaplain. The full-time hours
roughly equated to the part- time hours. Besides the full-time
post, there are two Roman Catholic chaplains, working under a
service-level agreement, two bank chaplains, and more than a dozen
chaplaincy volunteers.
Within the challenging budgetary situation, the Trust is very
supportive of enhancing and developing its chaplaincy provision.
Arguably, the profile of chaplaincy is greater than it has been
Hospital Chaplain
Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
Southport andOrmskirkNHS Trust
Town Lane, Kew
Southport PR86PN