Your answers
Is it necessary for
those appointed to serve as churchwardens or on the PCC to be
confirmed members of the Church of England?
Under the Church
Representation Rules and the Churchwardens Measure 2011, besides
being baptised and on the church electoral roll, a person nominated
for either churchwarden or PCC member has to be "an actual
This is defined in Rule 54
as a person who has received communion according to the use of the
Church of England (or a Church in communion with it) at least three
times during the year prior to election, and is also either (a)
confirmed or ready and desirous of being confirmed, or (b)
receiving the holy communion in accordance with Canon B15A.
The Measure provides that in
exceptional circumstances the Bishop can override the requirements
relating to a churchwarden's being an actual communicant and/or
electoral-roll member.
Thus it is not strictly the
case that all nominees have to have been confirmed, but this is
indeed normally the case.
Harry Marsh (Lay
Your questions
Two questions about
traditional High Church ceremonial during 1662 Prayer Book
1. Makingthe sign of
the Cross over one's lips with the right thumb at the opening
versicle "O Lord, open thou our lips" makes devotional sense as a
ceremonial preparation of the lips as they begin to utter praise.
But what is the point of then immediately making a "normal"sign of
the Cross at the next versicle "O God, make speed to save
2. People often make
a "normal" sign of the cross at the opening words of the Magnificat
(and of the Benedictus at matins). Some people also cross
themselves at the start of the Nunc Dimittis. What is the point of
saluting the Gospel canticles in that way?
T. R. F
Address for answers and more
questions: Out of the Question, Church Times, 3rd floor,
Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TG.
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