God's Consoling
Love: Sermons and addresses by Michael Mayne (DLT, £7.99
(£7.20); 978-0-232-53017-9)
Thirty Nine New
Articles: An Anglican landscape of faith by Martyn Percy
(Canterbury Press, £16.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE
£14.99); 978-1-84825-525-8).
The Image of Christ
in Modern Art by Richard Harries (Ashgate, £19.99
(£18); 978-1-4094-6382-5).
Psalms for Everyone:
Part I, Psalms 1-72 by John Goldingay (SPCK, £9.99
(£9); 978-0-281-06133-4).
A Nearly Infallible
History of Christianity: Being a history of 2000 years of saints,
sinners, idiots and divinely-inspired troublemakers by
Nick Page (Hodder & Stoughton, £16.99 (£15.30);
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which
operates the Church Times Bookshop.