The Rt Revd Lord Harries of Pentregarth writes:
THE Revd Raymond Chapman, Emeritus Professor of English
Literature at the London School of Economics, who exercised a long
and faithful non-stipendiary ministry, died on 5 November, aged
Raymond trained on the Southwark Ordination Course, and was made
deacon in 1974. While working at the LSE, he ministered at St
Mary-le-Strand, but from 1982 he regularly celebrated and preached
at St Mary's, Barnes, where his ministry was highly valued.
Coming from a family background of Welsh Nonconformity, Raymond
was baptised and confirmed as an Anglican at the age of 17. He
remained a devout and convinced apologist for Anglicanism to the
end of his life: his last major books were on Lancelot Andrewes,
Richard Hooker, and Evelyn Underhill.
He was also a lover of the Book of Common Prayer, serving the
Prayer Book Society in many capacities, and eventually becoming
Vice-President. His church tradition, less common now than
heretofore, is best described as Prayer Book Catholic. He was
chairman of the Anglican Society, and, later, President of the
Anglican Association.
His celebration of Prayer Book services of holy communion on
Sundays and midweek at St Mary's, Barnes, was particularly
appreciated, as was his personal ministry to particular
individuals. His preaching was clear, doctrinally based, definite,
and to the point. This was a man who knew what he believed, wanted
others to share that belief, and, quietly, was sometimes distressed
by the doctrinal laxity of parts of the Church of England.
After Oxford and King's College, London, Professor Chapman spent
all his academic career at the LSE, which he served in many
capacities, administrative as well as academic. His main interest
was Victorian literature, not least the literature of the Oxford
Movement, but he also had a concern for the specifics of the
English language, as reflected in the titles of such books as
The Treatment of Sounds in Language and Literature and
Forms of Speech in Victorian Fiction.
Among his many publications were books, articles, and pamphlets
on theological and church matters. In particular, he wrote to help
lay Christians to pray, intercede, worship, and read the Bible in a
more informed manner. He reviewed regularly for the Church
Times, besides writing other occasional articles.
He lectured widely in this country and overseas. Until two years
ago, he continued to teach at the Institute of European Studies,
and in later life continued his interest in Irish literature. He
was chairman, and later vice-president, of the Irish Literary
He leaves his wife, Patricia, who also became an Anglican, after
being a member of the Plymouth Brethren, and two children, Evan and
Siobhan. His funeral is at St Mary's, Barnes, on Monday 18 November
at 11.30 a.m.