Clergy Wives'
Stories: Fifteen oral histories from the 1950s to the present
Sheila Rowe
Plynlimmon Press £11*
"AH, MARRIED clergy - never
on duty, and never off duty," remarked our bachelor clerical friend
on the difficulty of balancing parochial and family
responsibilities. He went on to be an important, if unmarried,
Dean. In the Roman Catholic Church, marriage can be seen as a
hindrance, an obstruction to the relationship between the priest
and his flock.
Nevertheless, Anglican
church life continues to benefit hugely from the clergyman's wife:
not only as unpaid parish worker, hostess, flower-arranger,
Sunday-school teacher, figurehead, and moral example, etc., but
often as a wage-earner contributing towards a house to retire to
after years of tied church accommodation: a partner who enhances
and, to some extent, subsidises her husband's work.
Clergy Wives' Stories:
Fifteen oral histories from the 1950s to the present day lets
15 straight-talking women tell their stories of clerical life. With
a variety of backgrounds and ages, they present a pretty
comprehensive picture. Some grew up in the vicarage, and so knew
what to expect (and still they married clergymen!). Others were
shocked by the stringencies of their husband's chosen vocation
(theological students' needing their Bishop's permission to get
married; being expected to survive on tiny stipends in inadequate
housing; being bossed around by an imperious rector). Some women
asserted their right to be individuals despite the expectations of
the parish. When told that "the Vicar's wife has always done the
flowers," one contributor replies: "Not this one!" One blames
herself for "conforming too easily", so as not to upset her
husband's parishioners. Another is advised: "Keep your door open
and your mouth shut." But it is generally agreed that today there
is less pressure on the clergy wife to conform to a stereotype:
most wives feel able to follow their own careers and interests
rather than just being Mrs Vicar.
There are certain aspects of
the clergy wife's experience which regularly recur in these
accounts. All the women felt that their main function in their
husband's ministry was to support him personally: to be his
chaplain and confessor, a defence against the vagaries of the
parish. Usually he did not expect his wife to take on parochial
duties unless she wanted to - it was the parish that had these
All clergymen's families
operate from a property that is not their own, and is often used
for parish functions, and in which the father is frequently "on
duty". Lack of privacy, telephones, callers at the door (including
tramps) - all disrupt family life. The vicarage and its enormous
garden may be challenging to maintain. There is a sense of being
set apart: close friendships within the parish are often
problematic. "Having to be available" is also "lonely".
The family feels judged, and
has to keep up appearances. But, at the same time, the women speak
of the immense privilege of being married to the Church, and
serving a vital community: several relate how the experience of
leadership in organisations such as the Mothers' Union gave them
confidence and authority in the outer world.
Because this book is based
on oral contributions recorded by the author, Sheila Rowe, herself
a clergy widow, it has a chatty, informal tone. These are real
voices, occasionally a little woolly or repetitive, but authentic.
There are family photographs of slightly blurry quality, and I must
confess I found the print a little shiny. The whole effect is
friendly and immediate. What I appreciated was its honesty - having
been a clergy wife myself.
This book is a reminder of
the way things were in the past: the relative poverty of clergy
families, their reliance on the generosity of others, the
privileges and deprivations co-existing. The women recorded here
have been impressive public figures or quiet heroes, and many have
also suffered. One is a widow; one was divorced. Both stated sadly:
"When you lose your husband, you lose your priest," and that says
it all.
*This title can be obtained from the author, Sheila Rowe, 14
Salter Court, St Mary's Fields, Colchester, Essex CQ3 3FF; or email