HIGHLIGHT: Enthronement of the Archbishop of
Canterbury. Live coverage of the ceremony from Canterbury
BBC1 2.30pm and Radio 4 2.53pm (LW only)
Sunday 5.30pm (BBC1) Songs of Praise
Eamonn Holmes presents music to celebrate St Patrick's Day.
Thursday 8.30pm (BBC4) Pagans and Pilgrims:
Britain's holiest places Ifor ap Glyn visits trees and
mountains (3/6).
Friday 7.30pm (R3) Baroque Spring: Handel's
Messiah The choral work in the version by Mozart, performed by
the BBC Philharmonic.
Saturday 6.30am (BBC World Service) Heart and
Soul Matt Wells hears about Evangelical faith and Chinese
traditions in Vancouver.
Sunday 6.05am (R4) Something Understood
The poet John Agard reflects on lightness and darkness.
8.10am (R4) Sunday Worship A service
from St Anne's, Dungannon, Tyrone.
4pm (R3) Choral Evensong A repeat of
last week's service from Chichester Cathedral.
Monday 4.30pm (R4) Beyond Belief Ernie
Rea and guests examine the problem of alcoholism (12/13).
Tuesday 9am (R4) Christianity at the
Crossroads John Humphrys chairs a debate, in association with
the think tank Theos.
Wednesday 3.30pm (R3) Choral Evensong
live from the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich.
8.45pm (R4) Lent Talks The Muslim
chaplain and religious adviser to HM Forces, Imam Asim Hafiz,
considers the abandonment created by war (5/6).