From Dr Richard Scothon
Sir, - As a father of young children, and a man of mixed-race
heritage, I am pleased to read the Dean of Durham's open letter to
the new manager of Sunderland Football Club, Paolo Di Canio (News,
5 April).
As a proud resident of the north-east of England, I applaud Dean
Sadgrove's attempt to clarify Mr Di Canio's apparent political
leanings. It is reassuring that the new Sunderland manager has now
made it clear that he is not political, not a racist, nor supports
the ideology of fascism.
All children and young adults are influenced by people in
positions of leadership. It is paramount that the Far Right's
poison is kept away from their impressionable minds, and it is
thanks to Dean Sadgrove's letter that we can have confidence that
this poison will not be heard from Sunderland's football
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Whitwell Acres
High Shincliffe
Durham DH1 2PX