From the Bishop of Warwick
Sir, - Syria is awash with blood. Western countries have too
readily aligned themselves with George Bush's designation of Syria
as part of the "axis of evil". Such "goodies and baddies" language
simply betrays a lack of self-knowledge and, in this case, a
dangerous ignorance.
The invasion of Iraq with the rhetoric of "crusade" was the
greatest imaginable recruiting sergeant for Islamist fighters,
allowing the all-too-easy equation of the Christians with Western
aggressors. Christians in the Holy Lands have been paying the price
ever since, as their continuing exodus sadly confirms.
Syria received more than 1.5 million Iraqi refugees, many of
whom were Christians fleeing the threats of such extremists. When
in Syria, I heard some of their stories and read some of the
written threats put through their doors. Syrian Muslims and Syrian
Christians worked together with the government to provide homes and
schools for these refugees.
In 2007, I spent eight days in Syria, on behalf of the then
Archbishop of Canterbury, visiting leaders of all Christian
denominations. I also met the Sunni Grand Mufti, Ahmad Hassoun, the
Shia leader Sheikh Nizam, and the Druze leader Ahmad al-Hajar, and
was privileged to attend the meeting between President Assad and
Archbishop Williams.
Under Bashar al-Assad's Alawite (police-state) regime,
Christians were given considerable freedoms. There was much
Muslim-Christian mutual hospitality. Christians would invite
Muslims to share in the iftar meal after the Ramadan fast,
and Muslims on other occasions would invite Christians to such
Visiting Christian leaders in Aleppo, I discovered that the
leaders of eight Christian denominations met for prayer breakfasts
each month. (Today we continue in urgent prayer for two of these
leaders, Metropolitan Paul Yazigi, and Archbishop Ibrahim.)
The Grand Mufti was an extraordinary influence for moderate
Islam, not only in Syria, but internationally. He visited Britain
to urge imams from all over this country not to import jihadi
struggles here from their own countries, but to be loyal British
citizens. Hassoun argues that there is no such thing as a holy war.
Quoting the Qur'an: "Let there be no compulsion in religion," he
has been a passionate advocate of living well with difference.
Three years ago, Syrians, in the momentum of the so-called Arab
Spring, made clear their quite proper aspirations for greater
freedoms. There might have been a moment and opportunity then to
take a different course which made for peace. That moment has been
Assad is not the same ruthless tyrant as his father, Hafez, was.
But, I am told, his relatives in charge of the army and with hands
on the levers of power would not make space for dialogue and
What we are seeing now in Syria is a regime deeply compromised
by its own escalating violence, and an opposition piggybacked by
extremists from several different countries, including Qatar and
Saudi Arabia, who have nothing but contempt for democracy. One
tactic of such extremists is to kill those bridge-builders in
Syria, whether they be Muslim or Christian.
The Grand Mufti's son was shot by terrorists, for example.
Another tactic of the extremists, I am told by Syrians in this
country, is to commit atrocities on some opposition forces to make
it appear that it is the work of Assad, thus radicalising some of
the erstwhile moderate forces of opposition. It may be that the
recent sarin attack (if that is what it was) falls into this
So, whatever we do in this country, let us not collude in the
comforting illusion that we can go in like a knight in shining
armour to arm the goodies against the baddies. It is not as simple
as that. To exchange Assad for the most organised elements of the
opposition, such as al-Nusra linked to al-Qaeda, will bring no
freedom or blessing to the peoples of Syria, and leave no room for
its minorities, among them our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Many Syrian Christians both in Syria and in this country are
concerned that our Government is overtly supporting the opposition
at the expense of seeking to broker a constructive dialogue that
could lead to peace. If the West is not to make things worse by
arming the "opposition", we should do all in our power to engage
the countries fighting proxy wars through the Syrian peoples on
both "sides" of the conflict. That means Russia and possibly even
Warwick House
139 Kenilworth Road
Coventry CV4 7AP