From the Revd Kim Fabricius
Sir, - Theologically, what an interesting same-page
juxtaposition of "This beginning" (Leader comment, on the baptism of Prince
George) and "The danger of colluding in the denial of death" (on
the challenge to the Church of funerals du jour) (Comment, 25
Even as the contemporary funeral becomes more infantilised, we
might remember that baptism - infant baptism, too - speaks of our
death and resurrection in Christ. Indeed, in effect, at our
baptisms we witness our own funerals.
And what a welcome break from the lurid media coverage of the
baptism as a "celebrity" occasion - yet not without, one has to
say, royal acquiescence. Alas, I have looked in vain for a
satirical cartoon of the event picturing the baptismal party in all
their royal finery, with the caption:
"Dost thou, in the name of this Child, renounce . . . the vain
pomp and glory of the world . . . ?"
"Er. . ."
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