Church Times top ten religious books
(previous month's position in brackets)
Pilgrim: A course for the Christian journey. Follow 1:
Turning to Christ (CHP, £5.99);Follow 2: The
Lord's Prayer (CHP, £5.99); Leader's
Guide (CHP, £8.99) (-)
How to be Wise by Rod Garner (SPCK, £9.99)
Rules for Reverends by Jeremy Fletcher and Dave
Walker (BRF, £6.99) (2)
Pope Francis: Untying the knots by Paul Vallely
(Bloomsbury, £12.99 (1)
Haphazard by Starlight by Janet Morley (SPCK,
£9.99) (5)
Journeying with Matthew: Lectionary Year A by
James Woodward, Paula Gooder and Mark Pryce (SPCK, £9.99)
Letters to London: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, edited
by Stephen J. Plant and Toni Burrowes-Cromwell (SPCK, £9.99
(Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE £7.99) (-)
Living Faithfully by John Pritchard (SPCK,
£9.99) (4)
Diary of a Gay Priest by Malcolm Johnson
(Christian Alternative, £9.99) (10)
God's Consoling Love by Michael Mayne (DLT,
£7.99) (-)
Participating bookshops: Church House Bookshop, London; and St
Denys' Bookshop, Manchester.