THERE is perplexity among
Roman Catholics in England and Wales about what their bishops
intend by a new document that carries the sub-heading "Why the
Church provides Catholic schools". It is a broad-brush defence of
church schools which insists that they are not merely for the
benefit of the faithful, but are a public good, and enhance the
whole of society. Eyebrows have been raised at the sections about
the kind of people who are fit to take positions of leadership in
those schools.
Or, to be more precise, what
kind of people are not fit to be governors, heads, deputy heads, or
heads of RE. Among those the document lists as unsuitable are
people who have married in a non-Catholic church or register office
without canonical dispensation. Those who have married after
divorce are also to be banned.
And so, of course, are those
"maintaining a partnership of intimacy with another person, outside
a form of marriage approved by the RC Church and which would, at
least in the public forum, carry the presumption from their public
behaviour of this being a non-chaste relationship". This is a
long-winded way of saying gays.
The National Secular Society
has described these restrictions as a prurient, tyrannical, and
unfair law that "drives a coach and horses through equality
legislation, and leaves teachers, paid using public money, uniquely
vulnerable to religious discrimination". But then the NSS is also
blind to the virtues of church schools, with their emphasis on
human dignity and the service of the common good by, to quote the
document, "integrating gospel values and the teaching of the
Catholic Church into every aspect of learning, teaching, and the
totality of school life".
Charitably minded loyalists
who do not want to be so indelicate as to suggest that gospel
values and the ideology of Rome are not inevitably aligned have
been suggesting that cock-up is the explanation. The document is
just a re-publication of a 2005 apologia for church schools
originally issued only in Birmingham archdiocese, but which has now
been reprinted nationally without thought about how a restatement
of church policy might look in the context of the row over gay
The problem with that theory
is that the most hard-line sections are not from 2005, but are
contained in a newly added supplement on "substantive life
More subtle defenders of the
document suggest that what is important is what is omitted. By
mentioning only those in leadership positions, they argue, it is
effectively saying that classroom teachers will not be dismissed
simply for being married after divorce, or for being in a civil
partnership. And that, in Vatican terms, is actually rather
A spokeswoman for the RC
Church seemed to endorse that when she said: "This isn't about
checking up on people. It is informing people called to leadership
positions in Catholic schools that these are the expectations." And
the document does hint that exceptions may be made by diocesan
education authorities out of "a genuine charitable and pastoral
concern not to offend or hurt the individuals involved", or
"because it is considered that their professional skills and
abilities in respect of governance or leadership are needed in the
school and override all other considerations".
That may be code for saying
that the current crisis in finding RC head-teachers is already so
grave that diocesan authorities had best not initiate witch-hunts.
But, in view of recent ultra-conservative episcopal appointments,
that can by no means be taken for granted. All this could presage a
clampdown that would make the Church of England's muddle over sex
and sexuality seem positively benign.
Paul Vallely is associate editor of The