THE size and appearance of a two-storey extension to a church
would damage the church both aesthetically and architecturally, and
any necessity for the extension was insufficient to justify that,
Chancellor Mark Blackett-Ord ruled in the Consistory Court of
Leicester diocese. He refused to grant a faculty for building works
to All Saints', Cossington, a Grade II* church said to be of
12th-century origin.
The petition, brought by the Rector and churchwardens, sought
permission for the construction of the extension on the north side
of the church, to provide two large meeting rooms, a vestry office,
plant room, kitchen, lavatory, stairs, and entrance lobby. At the
request of the petitioners, the Chancellor did not hear oral
argument, but dealt with the petition on paper.
A questionnaire that was circulated in the village of Cossington
in 2003 described the scheme as "a proposal for a modest extension
to the north of the building". By 2009, however, the plans proposed
a much bigger extension, which was to be the same length as the
nave, and would be on two floors, so that the apex of its roof
would be higher than the highest point of the side aisles of the
church, although not as high as the nave roof. The proposed access
into the entrance lobby was given a small right-angled triangular
porch roof, which would be prominent because it was intended to be
the principal entrance to the church.
The Chancellor said that the shape and angles of the porch were
at odds with the lines of the existing roof, and were "more suited
to a community hall than an architecturally important church". The
whole result of the plans was, he said, "a substantial building
with a mixture of architectural details which relate[d] neither to
each other nor to the church to which it was intended to be
attached", and it was not the "modest extension" that had been
There were no formal objectors to the petition for the faculty,
but the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) and
English Heritage expressed their dislike of the proposed extension.
The SPAB said that it was "disproportionate in scale to the
existing church, and therefore damaging to the character and
setting of a Grade II* listed church". English Heritage said that
"the impact of this extension is so harmful" that a faculty should
not be granted.
The Chancellor said that he did not know why a parish of about
450 persons required a church that needed a meeting room for 150,
and a full-size classroom, as well as substantial seating in the
church itself. If such a substantial structure was to be attached
to a Grade II* listed church, then "an architectural design of the
very highest quality" would be required.
The law was that the Chancellor had to consider (1) whether the
petitioners had proved that there was a necessity for some or all
of the proposed works, either because they were necessary for the
pastoral well-being of the church, or for some other compelling
reason; (2) whether some or all of the works would adversely affect
the character of the church as a building of special architectural
and historic interest; and (3) if the answer to (2) was "yes", then
whether the necessity proved by the petitioners was such that the
court should grant a faculty.
The Chancellor decided that the petitioners had not proved "a
necessity" for an extension of the size proposed, and that, even if
the extension was "necessary", the faculty should not be granted
because the particular size and appearance of the extension would
"damage the church in its churchyard setting both aesthetically and
architecturally". The "necessity" was insufficient to justify
The proposed extension was likely to survive for centuries, the
Chancellor said, and "we owe it to those who will worship in All
Saints' in future centuries, as well as those who contributed to
the building of the church in the past, that any extension . . . is
of the highest aesthetic and architectural merit."
Petitioners should "treat seriously the opposition of English
Heritage or the amenity societies", the Chancellor said. The court
frequently disagreed with those bodies, but, where they expressed
strong objection, "petitioners must realise that their scheme is at
risk." The architect should have warned the petitioners that this
scheme might fail, he said, and significant works to historic
buildings required professionals who were experienced and
specialist in that field.