by a staff reporter
THE Methodist Church must "keep faithful and carry on", despite
its challenges, its general secretary, the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins,
has said.
At the annual Methodist Conference, which was scheduled to end
yesterday in Plymouth, Dr Atkins spoke of the need for a culture
shift in the Church: "We cannot stay as we are and thrive. . .
"The crucial thing is not to permit our commitment to
discipleship and mission to falter. We are seeking, under God, to
alter the default settings on the local church, circuit, district,
and the whole wider Connexion."
The Methodist Church has about 241,000 members - a figure that
has declined sharply in recent years.
The vice-president of the Conference, Michael King, told
delegates that the Church could become a movement of
"world-transforming" disciples if it regained its confidence in
Christ as the head of the Church.
The Conference heard of plans for growth. In the education
sector, the Church has pledged to increase the number of Methodist
state schools over the next ten years. There are currently 65
state-funded, and 14 independent Methodist schools in England and
Wales, which educate 22,000 children.
The Conference agreed to reinvigorate the Church's engagement
with education, and has asked Methodist districts to identify
communities that need new schools, especially in areas of
socio-economic deprivation.
It also agreed to overhaul its training, saying that it had
focused for too long on those seeking ordination.
Members celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Arthur Rank
Centre, a rural-outreach organisation. Its Methodist director, the
Revd Dr Gordon Gatward, has retired after 13 years. He said it had
been "a great privilege, as I've seen how God continues to work in
and through countless rural churches and congregations".
It was announced on Wednesday that the Revd Ruth Gee, the chair
of Darlington Methodist District, has been elected President
designate of the Methodist Conference for 2013-14, and Dr Daleep
Mukarji, a former director of Christian Aid, has been elected
vice-president designate.