ST JOHN's College, Nottingham, has successfully passed an
inspection by the agency that monitors quality and standards in
university education. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher
Education (QAA) found that the college met the required standards
for the quality of education offered to students. It particularly
praised library staff at the college for the extra support they
offered to students.
Inspectors visited the college in June this year. They
identified areas that needed improvement, including a quicker and
more consistent return of marked work to students, and the growth
of a better system of staff development. They also suggested that
there should be more student representatives on college committees,
and a review of tutorial arrangements to provide better access for
students. Inspectors also confirmed that the college continued to
comply with the Government's immigration regulations.
The Principal of St John's, the Revd Dr David Hilborn, said:
"The outcome of the QAA review reaffirms St John's reputation as a
high-quality provider of education, research, and formation in
Christian theology and ministry."