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Caption competition

03 August 2012


As they watched the Diamond Jubilee Flotilla finally end, they hoped for an abridged version of the Olympics - Ruth Lievesley

As they watched the Diamond Jubilee Flotilla finally end, they hoped for an abridged version of the Olympics - Ruth Lievesley

CONGRATULATIONS to Ray Morris for his entry: "I am sorry that I cannot enter this competition, as I am not an official Olympic caption sponsor." Unfortunately, neither is Divine chocolate; so we cannot send him any.

Our less well-regulated readers adopted other approaches. There were, for example, several along the lines of: "The GB quidditch team check out their Olympic venue" (Andrew Sinclair).

Naturally enough, the rain got a mention: "The British team took an immediate lead in the 2012 Thames Brolly Hurdles" (Jenny Veasey); and "Perhaps the Lord misunderstood all those 'long to reign over us' requests last month" (Gillian Newton). But these were rare: another sign of the British ability to ignore the weather?

Various Olympic sports were suggested: "On current form, it seemed unlikely that the UK synchronised umbrella-twirling team would be among the medals" (Derek Wellman); "Two spectators have secured their places in plenty of time for the Olympic bungee-jumping event" (Bob Torrens); and "The GB Synchronised Diving Team was dismayed at the degree of difficulty of the Diving Through Hoops event" (James Johnston). There was also another nod to Locog: "Cheerios advertising is getting out of hand" (Anna Appleby).

It wouldn't be the Church Times caption competition without a few ecclesiastical references: "So, our Fresh Expression of Trinity is designed to include the Virgin Mary (in blue) and a person of your choice" (Richard Barnes); "And here we have the new logo for the Church of England - while some rings overlap, there is no common territory shared by every ring" (James Betteridge); and the almost inevitable: "Oh dear, yet more hoops to jump through before we get to be bishops" (John Appleby); or "The supporters of women bishops realise that they still have several hoops to jump through" (John Middleditch).

We especially liked: "I see the ringing master has been up the Tower . . ." (Neil Inkley); "Greek games, North Atlantic weather, and umbrellas from China. Isn't it great to be British!" (Chris Hammett); "Well, it is certainly the best-disguised army rocket-launcher I've ever seen" (Chris Coupe); "Are you sure we're near enough the Olympic stadium to see the main events?" (Richard Hough); and: "The Crown Nominations Commission had set up a Large Halo Collider to search for the new Archboson of Canterbury" (Richard Barnes).

Thanks to Divine (divinechocolate.com) for yet again providing the prize of Fairtrade chocolate.


Have a go at our next caption-competition picture (right). Entries must reach us by Friday 10 August.


by email to: captioncompetition@ churchtimes.co.uk
by post (postcards only) to: Caption Competition, Church Times, Invicta House, 3rd Floor, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TG
by fax to: 020 7490 7093


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Thu 20 Apr @ 16:08
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