HIGHLIGHT: The Frock and
the Church Charlotte Smith assesses whether the General Synod
will vote to allow the ordination of women bishops.
Radio 4 (FM only) Sunday
4.55pm (BBC1) Songs of Praise Sally Magnusson
introduces hymns from Dunblane Cathedral.
Monday 9pm (BBC2)
7/7: One day in London Ben Anthony talks to the bereaved,
the survivors, and the emergency workers.
Tuesday 9pm (BBC3)
Coming Here Soon: Ireland, lost and leaving Stacey Dooley
looks at how the financial crisis has affected young people in
Ireland (2/3).
Wednesday and Thursday
9pm (BBC1) When I Get Older examines the lives of
elderly people in their own homes and in care.
RADIO: Sunday 8.10am
(R4) Sunday Worship Morning prayer from Liverpool RC
Metropolitan Cathedral, led by the Rt Revd Patrick Kelly
4pm (R3) Choral
Evensong A repeat of last Wednesday's service from Sheffield
5pm (R3) The
Choir Aled Jones meets James O'Donnell, the organist at
Westminster Abbey.
Monday 4pm (R4)
The Voice of God The Revd Richard Coles explores the ways
in which the voice of God is depicted in literature, music,
theatre, and film.
Tuesday 9am (R4)
The Reith Lectures Professor Niall Ferguson reflects on
the relationship between the nature of law and economic success
Wednesday 3.30pm (R3)
Choral Evensong live from Canterbury Cathedral.