Report 'ignored risks' of gaming machines
A PARLIAMENTARY report on gambling
"completely ignored" the risks posed by B2 gaming machines, on
which it is possible to lose thousands of pounds an hour, church
groups have warned. The report, The Gambling Act 2005: A bet
worth taking?, published on Tuesday by the Culture, Media and
Sport Select Committee, recommends scrapping the upper limit of
four high-risk B2 machines that betting shops can have on their
premises. Spokespeople for the Salvation Army, the Methodist
Church, and the Evangelical Alliance condemned the move.
Dr Sentamu fancied for Canterbury
THE Archbishop of York would be the
preferred choice of many Christians to succeed Dr Williams as
Archbishop of Canterbury, a survey by Premier Christian Radio
suggests. Dr Sentamu was selected by almost two in five of the 569
Christians polled, across a number of denominations.
Court rules against RC diocese
THE Court of Appeal has upheld the
claim of a 48-year-old woman against the Roman Catholic diocese of
Portsmouth, ruling that the diocese is liable to pay compensation
for alleged beatings inflicted by a nun and alleged sexual abuse by
a priest. The diocese denies that there was abuse, and argues that
a priest is an officer-holder, not an employee. "It would be
disastrous if . . . the law put intolerable new pressures on the
voluntary sector," a spokesman said.
Stolen flag an 'own goal for
THIEVES have stolen Preston's new
Guild Year Citizen Flag, a gift from volunteers to St John's
Minster. After it was lowered in memory of Joe Hood, a former
council leader, it was stolen from outside the Minster at the
weekend. The Area Dean of Preston, Canon Timothy Lipscomb, said it
was an "own goal for Preston".