TWO years ago, when the Revd Chrys Tremththanmor, Team Vicar in
the Daventry Ministry Team, Peterborough diocese,
discovered that she shared the same dream of holding a holiday club
for elderly people as the Deacon at Daventry Methodist Church, the
Revd Janet Thomas, they decided to do something about it.
This summer, for three days in July, about 20 people enjoyed a
"holiday at home", hosted by an ecumenical team from Churches
Together in Daventry. There were beetle drives, a quiz, indoor
games, and an illustrated talk about travelling in the Antarctic;
another talk on local history, and advice on indoor gardening and
keeping a scrapbook. On the third afternoon, there was a trip to a
garden centre, followed by a cream tea.
Both guests and helpers - including a ten-year-old boy with his
mother - enjoyed themselves. When asked if they would like to have
a "holiday at home" again next year, the overwhelming response was:
"Can't we have it again next week?"