"Till The Peoples All Are One": Darwin's Unitarian
Clifford M. Reed
Lindsey Press £7.50
Darwin and Lady Hope: The untold story
L. R. Croft
Elmwood Books £12.99
Church Times Bookshop £11.70 (Use code
CT501 - free postage on UK online orders during August)
THE contrast between these two responses to Darwin could hardly
be greater: one a coolly rational survey of a recognised and
significant subject, published on behalf of the General Assembly of
Unitarian and Free Christian Churches; the other, a polemical
firecracker on a puzzling topic, published by a small independent
publisher and aimed at those Darwinians for whom Down House is the
"Nazareth of Evolution", as Sir Arthur Keith called it in 1927.
Clifford Reed, a Unitarian minister, reminds us of Darwin's
Unitarian family heritage, and of his marriage to his cousin Emma
Wedgwood Darwin. Emma, herself a Unitarian, attended services at
the parish church, but never turned east at the Creed. In the
1850s, the decade of On the Origin of Species,
Darwin read Francis William Newman, brother to the future Cardinal.
Whereas Emma and the leading Unitarian James Martineau shared
Newman's repulsion from the "dreadful doctrine of the Eternal
Hell", and saw the promise of eternal life in a "full sympathy of
our spirit with God's Spirit", Darwin found Newman unsatisfactory.
Newman still located the origin of the "religious instinct" in God,
whereas Darwin was increasingly convinced that it had evolved with
human society.
Twenty years later, Darwin received a radical Unitarian pamphlet
from the United States which he could accept wholeheartedly:
Francis Ellingwood Abbot's Truths for the Times. Here was
a religion that was humanistic, optimistic, post-Christian, and
free of all the dogma that Darwin had rejected. He became an
overseas member of the Free Religious Association. He also
supported Evangelical missions late in life. So perhaps today's New
Atheists should think again when adopting Darwin as their patron
saint. He was something of a Unitarian, never an atheist, and often
what his "bulldog" Huxley called an "agnostic".
L. R. Croft is a former university lecturer whose most important
research was on the eye, an organ that seems to defy evolutionary
explanation. His previous book on Darwin, and his study of Philip
Gosse - a member of the Plymouth Brethren and the David
Attenborough of his day - are also from Elmwood. It was late in
Darwin's life that he was visited by a widely admired evangelist,
Lady Hope, née Elizabeth Cotton, who wrote an account of their
conversation, during which Darwin is said to have regretted the
direction and later influence of some of his ideas, and to have
spoken movingly of Christ and the Bible. Creationists have hailed
this as a conversion, while most evolutionists have dismissed the
story as bunkum.
Darwin and Lady Hope attempts to demolish Professor
James Moore's argument in The Darwin Legend (1995) that
Lady Hope and her testimony are fraudulent. Croft locates Moore's
work in a tradition of denial and evasion which began in the Darwin
family during the First World War, when her testimony came to
light. He may have a point; and Lady Hope's narrative is certainly
of compelling interest.
A pity, then, that Croft writes so defensively at one moment (he
was rebuffed by the journal Nature) and so
over-assertively the next, and always without an editor.
Dr Wheeler is a Visiting Professor at the University of