A MINISTER who was attacked and knocked to the ground in
Strabane, Co. Tyrone, has said that he would welcome his attackers
into his church.
The Revd Richard Bryant, a Methodist minister from the United
States, who moved to Ireland two months ago, was walking with his
wife in the town centre in daylight, when he was struck on the back
of the head, causing him to fall. The incident was witnessed by
several people, but none went to his aid.
Mr Bryant said that he asked his attackers: "'Why did you hit
me? I didn't deserve this,' and they just started to laugh
hysterically. . . I said to the crowd: 'You're looking at me like
I'm crazy - help me.' Then a voice came from behind me in the crowd
and said: 'Yes, you are crazy' - someone actually said that to
He said that while not seriously injured, he was shocked by the
reaction of the onlookers.