THE new crib figures are steadily travelling to
Leicester Cathedral, sometimes together, sometimes
separately, to arrive in time for the crib service on Christmas
Eve. Hand-carved from oak by Charles Currey, from York, and half
life-size, they are a significant new art commission. So far, there
is only one shepherd, and one king, but the cathedral hopes to have
raised enough money for a full complement of both by next
They started their journey in a coffee shop in the city, then
the king visited Leicester Grammar School while the Holy Family
went on to Leicester City Football Club. They have since taken part
in several carol services, "as silent witnesses to the coming love
and peace of Advent".
The Chancellor of the cathedral, Canon David Monteith, says that
"to have such a work of art for Leicester brings beauty to our
austerity. The Christmas story will now be seen as well as