From the Revd Martin Culverwell
Sir, - There's trouble ahead. I have been asked to take the
services on 13 and 20 January, the Baptism of Jesus and Epiphany 3.
Whoever prepared theLectionary, however, has got it wrong; and I
can see why.
The Sunday after Epiphany is always the Baptism of Jesus. Next
year, however, Epiphany falls on a Sunday; so the following Sunday
is the Baptism of Jesus, but the following Sunday is Epiphany 3. In
the C of ELectionary, they have called this Sunday Epiphany 3, but
got the readings for Epiphany 2, and so on all the way through
Epiphany. It is wrong in Visual Liturgy as well.
8 Sandisplatt, Fareham PO14 3AG