FESTIVITIES to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee at Newcastle Cathedral will have a fishy theme, after members of the congregation created bunting in the shape of the ancient Christian symbol, the ichthys.
Rather than the traditional triangle-shaped bunting, the cathedral challenged its congregation to do something different. It opened its doors last week for a bunting workshop, and parishioners and visitors turned up to make 200 metres of fish-shaped bunting out of fabric.
The cathedral’s events manager, Pam Walker, said: “Each piece of bunting was a work of art in its own right, and that is what is different and unique about our bunting as individual pieces of artwork in the form of a fish, which is an ancient symbol of Christianity.
“We asked people to come along and help us create enough bunting to stretch round the inside of the cathedral, and the response was wonderful.”
The finished bunting was long enough to surround the nave and the aisles of the cathedral. It will be used during the flower festival to be held over the Jubilee weekend.