From the Revd David Gifford
Sir, - Robert Cohen's engaging interview with Rabbi David
Goldberg (Features, 10 August) was timely and
perceptive. If nothing else, it demonstrated the breadth of opinion
that healthily exists within the Jewish community: opinion on
circumcision, Jewishness, faith education, interfaith dialogue,
and, of course, Israel. Indeed, my recent review of Rabbi
Goldberg's book warmly commended it for its alternative voice.
But it seems to me important for
Anglicans to remember that there will be a good many in the Jewish
community who will not agree with him. The Council of Christians
and Jews (CCJ), which comes in for (somewhat ill-informed)
criticism by Rabbi Goldberg, has, of necessity, to work and engage
with all shades of opinion within the UK Jewish diaspora. We cannot
be dismissive of those who passionately feel differently from him
about Israel/ Palestine - or his views of Jewishness, for that
Our 70 years of existence have taught
us that it is better to listen and understand why a particular view
is held. We do not believe that to be anodyne, or avoiding
"grasping the nettle" - anything but, in fact. And "timid"
interfaith dialogue certainly is not.
Chief Executive
The Council of Christians and Jews
21 Godliman Street
London EC4V 5BD