Write, if you have any answers to the questions listed at the end of this section, or would like to add to the answers below.
Your answers
I notice that at the last two graduations at the RAF Training College, Cranwell, at least, the Daedalus Trophy has been awarded to a priest. For what is the Daedalus Trophy awarded?
The Trophy is awarded to the male or female student who, during initial officer training on the Specialist Entry and Re-Entry Course (SERE) at RAF Cranwell, has achieved the most outstanding performance during the course.
RAF chaplains train on an 11-week course with other specialists such as doctors, nurses, and lawyers, learning to apply their professional skills in a military context. Chaplains then join an RAF station team, where they will play a central part in spiritual, pastoral, and moral support of the Service men and women, and their dependants, both at home and on operations overseas.
In awarding the Trophy, the course directors are fully aware of the chaplains’ non-combatant status. The award acknowledges the outstanding performance of the award-winning chaplains who will join their colleagues serving the RAF in a ministry of prayer, presence, and proclamation.
(The Revd Dr (Sqn Ldr)) A. W.
Wakeham-Dawson (Staff Chaplain to Chaplain-in-Chief, HQ Air Command)
RAF High Wycombe, Bucks
Your questions
Whence came the preacher’s “three points”? Where written of at length? Functional?
D. G. H.
Address: Out of the Question, Church Times, 3rd Floor, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TG.