THE Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, has called for the “radical transformation” of care services in Wales, to ensure that the elderly are treated with dignity and respect.
A report commissioned by the Archbishop and the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Ruth Marks, calls for common sense and trust to be brought back into the system.
The report follows an all-Wales symposium, organised by the Church in Wales and the Commissioner, which brought together professionals in the sector.
The report concludes that what is needed is more co-ordinated care, the adoption of guiding principles to promote independence, less red tape, a simplification of the benefits system, and more positive images of older people in the media.
Dr Morgan said: “Too many older people find it difficult to speak out for themselves when things go wrong with their care, and their views aren’t always taken seriously.
“This is much more than the challenge of cuts. It’s about bringing back professional common sense and trust into managerial systems cluttered with complexity and compliance that might achieve targets, but do not fulfil the principles behind it.
“We are calling for a radical transformation of social-care services and new ‘frameworks of trust’ between all those working in different parts of the present system.”