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The City of London got St Paul’s into this

01 December 2011


From Mr W. J. Rigby

Sir, — Your report “Job losses feared at St Paul’s as hole in its budget widens” (News, 25 November) misses the point when it links the loss of revenue to St Paul’s with the presence of the Occupy camp.

The camp is where it is rather than in Paternoster Square, because the police and the City foolishly prohibited a peaceful demonstration in the intended location. Any related financial impact is due to this draconian attempt to frustrate legal protest.

The fault is with the City; so St Paul’s ought to ask the City for financial help or, to be consistent with earlier intent, take legal action to recover its loss from the City of London and the police.

3 Norwood, Beverley
East Yorkshire HU17 9ET

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