(previous month’s position in brackets)
1 Our Sound is Our Wound by Lucy Winkett (Continuum, £9.99) (1)
2 Virtue Reborn by Tom Wright (SPCK, £12.99) (-)
3 This Risen Existence by Paula Gooder (Canterbury Press, £8.99) (-)
4 Handbook for Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councillors (New Edition) by Kenneth MacMorran & Timothy Briden (Mowbray, £10.99) (-)
5 Faith in Politics? by Richard Harries (DLT, £12.95) (-)
6 When I Survey . . . Christ’s Cross and Ours by John Pridmore (York Courses. £3.50) (-)
7 Sixty Minute Family by Rob Parsons, (Lion, £7.99) (-)
8 The Things He Said by Stephen Cottrell (SPCK, £6.99) (7)
9 A Cross-Shattered Church by Stanley Hauerwas (DLT, £12.95) (-)
10 The Gospel in the Willows by Leslie J. Francis (DLT, £5.95) (6)
Participating bookshops: Church House Bookshop, London; Norwich Christian Resource Centre and Sarum Books, Salisbury.