1 Josephine Butler by Rod Garner (DLT, £6.95) (-)
2 Intercessions for Years A, B & C by Ian Black (SPCK, £10.99) (-)
3 Intercessions for Daily Prayer by Simon Pothen (Canterbury Press, £10.99) (-)
4 Jesus’ People by Steven Croft (Church House Publishing, £7.99)(-)
5 The Canterbury Preacher’s Companion 2010 by Michael Counsell (Canterbury Press, £16.99) (-)
6 Fresh Expressions in the Sacramental Tradition, edited by Steven Croft and Ian Mobsby (Canterbury Press, £16.99) (-)
7 Words Made Flesh by Elaine Graham (SCM Press, £30) (10)
8 Salisbury: A walk in the close by Sue Finniss (Spire Books, £18.99 (-)
9 The Shack by William P. Young (Hodder & Stoughton, £7.99) (6)
10 The Vicar of Baghdad by Andrew White (Monarch, £8.99)(7)
Participating bookshops: Church House Bookshop, London; St Denys’ Bookshop, Manchester; and Sarum Books, Salisbury.