From Mrs Felicity Masheder
Sir, — I felt saddened by the unnecessary attack Jonathan Bartley launched against our armed forces (“We need a prince of peace, not war”, 23 May). I wonder how much Mr Bartley is aware of the variety of roles performed by our military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the world.
Many of their tasks include peacekeeping and helping to re-build both communities and their necessary facilities, such as water and electricity. An example of how successful the armed forces are at making peace can be seen in Bosnia.
Some of their work is dangerous, and it would be wrong to assume that individual soldiers approve of a war in which they find themselves involved. Prince William, like many of his colleagues in the military, has a strong sense of duty, and this should not be confused with the glory of war.
In an ideal world, of course, there would be no war, and no natural disasters; perhaps then we could dispense with our armed forces. Until that day comes, we need to support our armed forces, and thank them for the brilliant job they do.
The Rectory, Church Walk
Ambrosden, Bicester OX25 2UJ