THE BISHOP of Saskatoon, Canada, the Rt Revd Rodney Andrews, has warned the Revd Shawn Sanford Beck, a priest in his diocese, that he will lose his licence if he goes ahead with his declared intention to “marry” same-sex couples.
In an open letter to the diocese, Mr Beck said that after much soul-searching it had become clear that he could no longer abide by the laws he was required to uphold. He was convinced that the Church’s ban on such practices was “theologically problematic and fundamentally unjust”.
He continued: “Upholding such a position (even unwillingly) forces me to bend severely (if not break) my priestly vows. I therefore publicly declare that I will, when requested, officiate at same-sex marriages and offer blessings upon committed same-sex unions. I will no longer discriminate against homosexual people when it comes to the exercise of my priestly duties.”
Mr Beck acknowledges that the stance he is taking “will likely lead to serious consequences”. “It may be helpful to consider my action a form of ecclesiastical civil disobedience.”
Bishop Andrews said in a statement that Mr Beck’s right to his personal view on same-sex marriage was not in question. “Shawn has declared his intention to step outside the guidelines and requirements of our Church,” he said. “I have encouraged him to re-consider. . . I am unable to give permission for him to perform same-sex marriages. I have offered to extend his licence beyond 31 March if he will refrain from performing these.”
The General Synod of the Canadian Church will be voting on same-sex blessings at its meeting in June, as did the Episcopal Church in the United States at its General Convention last year.