ENOUGH OF chocolate — a different sort of Easter egg is being distributed in Gloucester diocese this year. Eggventure is an egg full of beads that, threaded together, make a colourful bracelet with reminders of the Easter story. Sexist it might sound, but, realistically, the pretty, shiny Gems bracelet will appeal to girls, while the Tribal beads would not be out of place on the toughest boy’s wrist.
They are part of the diocesan Experience Easter programme, initiated by the Bishop, the Rt Revd Michael Perham, who, after going round the diocese to many services last year, concluded that Easter was one of the church’s best-kept secrets, says Lucy Walker, the diocesan communications officer. So a group he chaired came up with ideas for posters, stickers, a new liturgy, and the Eggventure eggs. Tucked inside each egg with the beads is an explanation of the Easter story for children. Each episode is represented by one of the beads. On the reverse of that tightly folded paper are ideas for Easter-related activities.
The eggs are being sold within the diocese for £2 each, but are also available more widely for £3 plus post and packing. The website www.eggventurebeads.com will tell you more.