THE Archbishop of Canterbury and the governors of the Anglican Centre in Rome have appointed the Very Revd David Richardson, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, as the Archbishop’s Representative to the Holy See and Director of the Centre.
Dean Richardson (pictured,above) was born in Queensland in 1955, but has spent much of his life in Britain, where his father was a priest. He was Dean of St Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide for 11 years, before moving to Melbourne in 1999. Between 1992 and 2002, he was also a member of the Anglican Consultative Council. He has served on the Australian Liturgical Commission for 25 years.
Dean Richardson said he recognised how important it was that the appointment should go to an Australian for the first time. “I am very pleased that this means the Anglican Church of Australia is able to be represented at this key level of the vitally important area of ecumenism.”
He will take up the post after Easter, succeeding the Rt Revd John Flack, who retires in February.