THE CORNISH CLERIC who has been subjected to a venomous campaign has gone on temporary leave for her own safety.
The cleric, the Revd Yvonne Hobson, Vicar of Paul, near Penzance (above), had said it would be “business as usual” throughout Advent and Christmas (News, 7 December). But she yielded to advice to take a break, after a second arson attempt. A burning candle was dropped into her car last week after a window had been forced. Earlier, a log basket on the vicarage porch had been set alight.
Anonymous letters described as “frightening” have demonstrated a personal hatred of women priests. The Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Bill Ind, said: “The involvement of the police makes it very clear that what we are dealing with is a series of criminal offences.”
In a pastoral statement read out in churches on Sunday, the Bishop told the congregations: “Yvonne has behaved throughout with dignity and courage. In consultation with Yvonne and her family, it has now been agreed that she should not undertake parochial duties at the moment, for her safety’s sake.” The Bishop went on to say that he “totally deplored” what had happened to Mrs Hobson and her family.
The parish is regarded as in an interregnum until Mrs Hobson returns.