Friday 9pm (BBC2) Timewatch: The Gunpowder Plot Angry
young men in 1605 try to blow up Parliament.
Saturday 7pm (C4) When the Moors Ruled in Europe
The 700 years of Islam in Spain.
Sunday 3.55pm (Five) A Man for All Seasons Paul
Scofield as Sir Thomas More in the 1966 classic film.
5.10pm (BBC1) Songs of Praise Pam Rhodes meets
people who made unexpected life changes.
9pm (BBC4) Can Dogs Smell Cancer? Experiments
show that this canine technique has promise.
11.30pm (C4) Sufi Soul: The mystic music of Islam
William Dalrymple explores some spectacular music.
Tuesday 9pm (BBC1) The Last Tommy Only four
soldiers from the 1914-18 war are still alive; they tell their poignant stories
Thursday 9pm (More4) 30 Days A Christian from
West Virginia spends a month living with a Muslim family.
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