A SURREY archdeacon has resigned to become a psychotherapist. The Ven. Mark
Wilson will leave his post as Archdeacon of Dorking, in Guildford diocese, at
the beginning of April to pursue his new career.
His wife, Canon Mavis Wilson, will continue to serve as Rector of Frimley.
Archdeacon Wilson said his training to be a psychotherapist would be
completed this summer. He did not see any conflict with his ministry as a
priest. "As a parish priest there are things I could do that a psychotherapist
could not, and vice versa.
"As a priest, I had access to the wider community, and was often immediately
involved in a time of need. As a psychotherapist, I could be working with
people years after a crisis."
Archdeacon Wilson, who has served in Guildford diocese since 1972, said that
he would continue his long-standing commitment to the healing ministry. He said
psychotherapy took both the spiritual and human "very seriously".