A STAND-OFF is developing beween the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem (
pictured right) and senior clerics from the Orthodox Church.
After a meeting in Istanbul of senior Orthodox clerics from Russia, Greece,
and Bulgaria on Tuesday, Patriarch Irineos was informed that he was no longer
recognised in his position.
This follows the leasing of land, allegedly sanctioned by Irineos I, in
Jerusalem's Old City to an anonymous Jewish contingent. The deal has threatened
to upset the delicate religious balance of the city (
News, 13 May).
In response, Irineos I has called the decision to remove him "political",
and not based on any evidence. He says that his signature was "forged" on
documents tying him to the deal by a former financial aide. The aide is now on
the run from Greek authorities.
The synod does not have the authority to remove the Patriarch, but can put
pressure on Irineos I to resign by withdrawing recognition of his position.